Please do not copy, sell or share my designs.You are

allowed to make one backup copy for yourself.

You may use my designs on articles for sale but the design files

are not to be sold. I work hard on my designs so please respect this code.

Because of the nature of computer applications there cannot be any refunds but I will work

with you to satisfy you. If there is any trouble

with my designs just email me and I will try to resolve the problem as fast as I can.

My customers are very important to me and I will respect everyone's thoughts on my website and designs.

Some of the artwork is mine but if you see the same design from another designer

it is because we have bought clipart from the

same person, which is allowed

unless it is labelled exclusive,which does mean that there are no other designs of that sort.

Thank you,

Edna Smith

In the future I will be using Paypal and if you don't have paypal you may send me a check for the amount and after I receive the check I will send out your designs by email. Thank you.

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